Main political and economic obstacles faced by the European Union and the future of the Organization


  • Kuzey Ates Kalkavan Robert College, Istanbul, Turkey



European Union, Energy Dependent, COVID, Stagflation, Political Scene


The European Union is one of the leading powers that has the right to speak on the global political scene. However, the most recent global conflicts and occasions have caused this dynamism to falter. Problems like post-covid economic depression, the occupation of Ukraine by Russia, or the rising political power of China or some examples of these problems that the EU is facing. This article, depending on the literature review, handles these situations and concludes that the EU will be falling back in the global political scene if the necessary steps are not taken. 



How to Cite

Kalkavan, K. A. (2024). Main political and economic obstacles faced by the European Union and the future of the Organization. British Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 1(2), 46–56.